
Full-day Kindergarten: Why it works


The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario has long been an advocate of full-day Kindergarten. We actively promote play-based learning in Kindergarten and beyond. We are proud of the work done by the team of Kindergarten professionals and parents to support the learning of our youngest students.

Research has shown the benefits — students in full-day Kindergarten:

  • are more ready to move up to Grade one;
  • read better in later grades;
  • demonstrate greater skills in oral language and artistic expression;
  • stay in school longer; and
  • are more confident and willing to take risks.

From a broader educational perspective, full-day Kindergarten:

  • narrows the gap in achievement among students from different socio-economic groups;
  • leads to better integration of Kindergarten into the elementary school community, making children feel more comfortable with school;
  • provides more opportunities for designated early childhood educators (DECEs) and teachers to work individually with students and incorporate play and social activities into the curriculum.